These are the terms we encourage you to learn in order to deeply understand Now. However, every occurrence of one of these terms is also linked back to this very page, so that you can always jump right to the explanation if needed.

General Terms


A collection of files that were uploaded to Now and potentially transformed by a Build. Every Deployment can define none, one or multiple Builds.

Source Files

These are the files contained within your project before it is uploaded Now.


Defined within the now.json file of a Deployment. Every Build is responsible for associating Source Files with a Builder.


Receives Source Files and generates a Build Output.

Build Output

What was generated within a Build using a Builder. It consists of either a Lambda, a Static File or multiple of each.


A serverless code execution handler that can be invoked over the web.

Static File

A file that is not executed, but instead served as-is to the program sending the request.


A structured group of deployments, categorized by the deployment name.

Company & Product


The company behind the product Now.


The platform on which Deployments are created, served and managed.


The command line interface client for Now.

Now Desktop

The graphical user interface (desktop application) for Now.